Thursday, April 8, 2010

Todays Tit Bit.

Ordeal - Nina Cassian

I promise to make you more alive than you’ve ever been.
For the first time you’ll see your pores opening
like the gills of a fish and you’ll hear
the noise of blood in galleries
and feel light gliding on your corneas
like the dragging of a dress across the floor.
For the first time, you’ll note gravity’s prick
like a thorn in your heal,
and your shoulder blades will hurt from the imperative of wings.
I promise to make you so alive that
the fall of dust on furniture will deafen you,
and you’ll feel your eyebrows like two wounds forming
and your memories will seem to begin
with the creation of the world.

Appetite- Meg Irsay

I will swallow all the pain
all the joy of this world
the whole strange mix.
I will bite
and digest it all
sending Love into the bloodstream
of the One Body.

Look at the plants that chew the rocks
and release the same minerals into my body
when they break against my teeth.
I too am food for life.
I desire to be broken
to be chewed
to be swallowed and transformed
into the bones
and flesh
and blood of the Truth.

Look at me.
Smell me.
Gaze until your mouth waters.
Let your appetite build
and savor the empty space in your belly.
Move from your hunger.
Come and take a bite.
You are not stealing.
You have been invited to this table.
Fill your plate.
Let me feed your heart with my heart.

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