Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Temple

I am here on hands and knees,
Scrubbing at the floors of the temple of my heart.
Every part of my body aches at the effort.
The floor is covered.
Blackened with dirt and suet.
Slowly over the years this temple has been abused,
Vandalized by others but even more sadly by me.
I am ashamed as I look at its neglected beauty.
So I am here on hands and knees
pouring my soul into this.
Scrubbing till my fingers bleed.
My tears mixing with the water as I frantically cleanse.
And just when I am close to giving up,
on the verge of jumping off the edge into the darkness,
A single ray of sunlight makes its way
though fogged glass and shines onto
the floor of this temple.
My breath is force out of my body in a long shuddering gasp.
A single tile on this massive floor shines under the light.
It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
It is like pearl, changing colour under the sparkle of the sun.
Its glimmer holds the answers and whispers the truth.
And in that moment,
when everything had just felt so hopeless,
I realize that everything is going to be ok.
I will be ok.

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