Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hello Old Friend.

My old friend has come to visit me...her name is insomnia. And I don't really like her. Seriously last night I got 3hours sleep! It is insane because I love my sleep...I mean love my sleep. My bed and I have a special relationship and every time I fall into it, life is perfect! I normally sleep late, fall asleep easily and sleep through the night like a bear in hibernation!!! But about half a year ago, my heart was broken. It was like I stepped into a black hole. Everything changed. And for a long time I was broken and sleep completely eluded me. But this only lasted a few months till my bodies natural survival instinct kicked in and said, "Oh, hell no...you're not staying up all night again!" (I am so thankful for that strong, demanding, often annoying, little voice inside my head.) Anyway, so I started sleeping like the dead again...but lately, something has changed and I don't know what it is. I can't seem to tap into that happy, sleepy place I long for! Ah it sucks. I lie awake, staring at the clock, hating my silly self for been all bright eyed and bushy tailed. Eventually the bed feels so uncomfortable, its hot and then cold and I keep getting tangled in my blankets. It is so frustrating I often want to scream! I mean bedtime is my happy time, I enjoy been surround by blankets, snuggled and dozy, I enjoy dreaming, I enjoy waking up and realizing its too early and I get to sleep for a few more hours. Now sleeping is almost painful, I don't dream and I wake up late every morning and have to rush to be at work on time! Grrr! Can anyone relate? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fall snuggly back into slumber? It would be appreciated...sleepy, G :|

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