Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I am so confused.
Lost in this maze we call us.
Trapped in this cage we call life.
I feel abused, cheated, fooled.

I fell in love.
It was obvious.
How could I not.
With you been you and me been me.
We played out our dance
and destiny befell us.

You were my venus fly trap.
You swallowed me whole
Swirling inside you,
there is no escape.
(not that I am looking for one)
Even though I sense I may be sacrificed.
The lamb for the slaughter,
I do not flee.
How can I, with you been you
and me been me.

You stole me from my own world,
and bought me to yours.
It is dark and lonely.
Every day and every night.
You are the only light in this pitch black.
I long to go back to my world.
To feel the warmth of the sun,
Have it sting my eyes with its brightness.
But you will not stay.
You always seem to be walking away?

I am so confused.
I feel abused, cheated, fooled.
I loose myself in this dark hole,
falling head first into its sticky blackness.
I wane back to my safe little world.
Allowing its comforting stability to engulf me.

But now I am alone.
Your laughter echos in my mind,
you smile haunts my thoughts.
I am so confused.
I feel abused, cheated, fooled.

G ©

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